Wednesday 10 October 2012



"Japan has become the world's most aged society, with senior citizens aged 65 and over constituting about 23% of the entire population. One prediction holds that two in every five people will be senior citizens in 2050. Meanwhile, Japan has a public nursing care system which everyone aged 40 and older is supposed to join."

The technologies basically helps the elders to go shopping, go to bed (provides automatically rising/ reclining beds) and also nursing care robots. So here, all the senior citizens no longer have to stay home, afraid of any bad repercussions due to their health. 

Elders Can now sleep like a princess

Above is how exactly the bed looks like. Fantastic right!

As well as the youngsters, elders also have a great feeling to go shopping. But one thing that restricted them is their poor health. Now, it no longer become an issue for them. Prof. Yoshiyuki Sankai of the University of Tsukuba had found the antidote solution for that. 

My Nanny is a SHOPOHOLICK!
"Moves are afoot to use high technologies more actively in a wider area of nursing care. Japan is developing robots for nursing care, and self-moving support designed to help elderly people walk or move on their own."

The robot helps a person wearing it walk by detecting bioelectric signals sent from the brain to relevant parts of the body and activating power units attached to the robot's joints. Prof. Sankai, University of Tsubaka/ CYBERDYNE Inc.

I Have A pet Called RIBA. The one that never sleep nor poop!

"RIBA" is a nursing care assistance robot developed to move a person from the bed to other places

This kind of nursing care is designed for those who are
 mentally stress..hehe experienced it almost everyday!! They make them look almost like a real pet but never be the same. Honestly for me I preferred the real animals. Anybody who have a pet would understand right, our pet can never be replaced with a fake animal robot.
NO! NEVER! haha

Baby seal robot "PARO" developed by AIST. The body is covered with artificial fur pleasant to touch. © AIST

Not only nursing care assistance and self-support but also mental care is important for elderly people. Communication robots are being developed for mental care. PARO, a seal shaped robot developed in Japan, is also called a mental commitment robot or a therapeutic seal robot, giving joy and comfort to people who play with it. PARO, modeled after a baby harp seal, measures 57 cm and weights 2.7 kg. As a person picks it up, caresses it or speaks to it, the robot seal responds as if it were alive, blinking, moving limbs and tilting its head. It even remember its new name, understands greetings and words of praise, and responds accordingly with a body movement or a trill. Elderly people, devoid of a conversation partner, can communicate with PARO, which appears to be just like a living animal. By caressing its body covered with artificial fur very pleasant to touch, they can release stress, relax and even get cheered up.

Well?? Come On Malaysian Bio Medic Engineering students?? We are waiting for a better life (and I think it must be cheaper here right? hikhik) 

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